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Project Assessment, Recovery and Management

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Project Recovery
"Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality." --Warren Bennis

TKMI will recover projects that are in state of disarray.

  • Effectiveness of the project team
  • Efficiency of the project team
  • Reconstruction of the project plan
  • Prioritization of project issues
  • Milestone and deliverable schedule
  • Consolidated risk log
  • Team morale 
  • Establishing urgency

Effectiveness of the project team
Is the team focus on the right priorities
What is the level of details on deliverables
Are there appropriate channels for escalation
How are issues managed and controlled 

Efficiency of the project team
What processes / methodology is the team following
Is there adequate level of automation
Are there appropriate levels of control to mitigate rework
Does the team have all required tools
What are the communication channels

Reconstruction of the project plan
Integrate collective team input
Verification of estimates with new knowledge
What is the current state of completeness per task
Asses task granularity based on effort and duration
Verify resource allocation on work package level
Confirm coverage of business expectations deliveries

Prioritization of project issues
Review issues as they pertain to business priority
Confirm all issues have proper impact and scope
Verify all issues are on one report
Confirm issue escalation and reporting
Review the change request process that is being followed 

Milestone and deliverable schedule
Is the milestone granularity appropriate
Are milestones aligned with business requirements
Are all appropriate teams lined up to receive deliverables
Is release cycle overhead adequately scheduled

Consolidated risk log
Are all risks available on one report
Are all risks escalated and reported
Do all risks have estimated impact documented
Are risks reported in time to mitigate them
Are risks being accepted or mitigated 

Team morale
Team spirit overall towards the project
Are there disruptive resources that require attention
Are the jr. and sr. team members appropriately paired up
Does team feel part of business improvement
Overall team stature due to association with the project

Establishing urgency
How is overall project priority set amongst other projects
What is the sponsor involvement with team and management
Are the positive business impacts communicated appropriately to all team members
Are all team members treated with same level of authority 


Project Management Consultants that help companies mitigate risk, succeed in delivering, stay within budget and time lines and basically get things done.

Always depart leaving your organization enriched with the abilities and knowledge.

Our combined knowledge of vast number of projects and solutions enables us to determine risks sooner.