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Project Assessment, Recovery and Management

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Other Business Services

Helping you end efficiently doing ineffective things


TKMI can provide a full range of other business supporing services.

• Revenue assurance - A review of current revenue streams for missed revenue opportunities.

• Business Solution review and assessment - A gap analysis of your current state against the original requirements and goals.

• Process analysis and improvement - Review of processes and documentation of opportunities in effectiveness and efficiencies.

• Needs analysis - Business case development and review to ensure the solution addresses the core issues at hand.

• Business improvement analysis - Review, assess and document opportunities to maximize on your business efficiencies and profitability.


Project Management Consultants that help companies mitigate risk, succeed in delivering, stay within budget and time lines and basically get things done.

Always depart leaving your organization enriched with the abilities and knowledge.

Our combined knowledge of vast number of projects and solutions enables us to determine risks sooner.